Tomorrow's Connection
Generis is a Full-Service Organizer of World Class Business SummitsWe provide a platform uniquely designed for industry executives to connect. Our experience spans two decades of successfully developing and delivering high-quality business-to-business events and services across various industries. Generis was formed with the vision of redefining how knowledge transfer and face-to-face interactions take place. We see an opportunity to enhance the partnership experience by understanding how executives and professionals create and sustain successful relationships. Our commitment to delivering world-class content and connecting business ideas with relationship opportunities is the Generis experience. We are thrilled to have expanded our operations across both the North American and European markets.

Ranked #183 in the 2020 Financial Times Report on the Americas’ Fastest-Growing Companies
The Financial Times' inaugural ranking of America's 500 fastest-growing companies by the compound annual growth rate in revenue.

Ranked #26 on the 2020 Growth List of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies
The Growth List is the definitive ranking of Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies by Canadian Business and Maclean’s, ranking Canadian companies based on five-year revenue growth.

Ranked #209 in the The Globe and Mail’s 2020 Ranking of Canada’s Top Growing Companies
Canada's Top Growing Companies by The Globe and Mail ranks Canadian companies on three-year revenue growth.
Upcoming Events
Generis summits connect leaders from across the globe, providing a unique platform for debate, education and opportunity. Attendance at Generis summits is reserved for leading executives and practitioners within the following industries:
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Generis Global Partners Europe GmbH
Chausseestraße 19
10115 Berlin,
North America

606-555 Richmond St. W.
PO Box 119
Toronto, ON, M5V 3B1